Second Amendment Warriors is a blog dedicated to all men and women who believe in the right to own and bear arms. This blog is also all about responsible gun ownership. We believe in the Constitutional right to help lawful citizens maintain their right of self protection and protection of their property.
"No Freeman Shall Be Debarred The Use Of Arms." Thomas Jefferson
Obama's Gun Control Executive Orders
Last week Pres. Obama issued 23 executive orders on gun control. While some of these orders appear reasonable and can be supported (e.g. even the NRA supports an expanded system of criminal background checks as do most Americans), many of these orders appear to be a part of the administration's campaign to restrict legal gun ownership. Coincidentally, and perhaps not, little was mentioned of Hollywood's depiction of gun violence or issues involving individuals with mental health challenges. There are currently hundreds of gun laws in America today. Most gun owners adhere to gun laws. In fact, crime among legal gun owners barely registers. Most crimes committed in America are done by illegal gun owners and criminals.
Some of these orders include the following (although they are sure to be expanded):
The establishment of a federal background check system.
Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign (NRA does this already as do many other gun rights activists organizations).
Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes.
Requre federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations (it's about time focus will be on criminals who own illega guns).
Appoint an ATF director.
Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations. Note: We recommend specific school officials be trained in the use of firearms and be armed in school or have armed police officers in schools. This is already be done in many schools and has been successful. There is a recommendation for schools to hire school resource officers (not indicated if they should be armed).
Centers of Disease Control to study causes and prevention of gun violence. There already are literally hundreds of studies already available.
Clarify that the Affordable Care Act (also known as ObamaCare) does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes. Note: We believe this is a violation of gun owners rights and confidentiality.
Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime. We support this recommendation as long as it's intent remains to target criminals who own illegal guns.
While some of these orders appear reasonable, it is doubtful they would prevent the kind of mass killings and crime we see daily in our major urban areas. For example, Chicago, a city with some of the strictest gun control laws in America, had 2500 shootings last year and over 500 killings. The same can be said for many other major urban areas including, but not limited to, Detroit, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Camden and Newark, N.J. Moreover, the Constitutionality of these orders will need to be challenged. What doesn't our government understand about the very clear and precise statement in the Second Amendment: "Shall not be infringed?" The Facts About Guns And Crime
With one exception, mass killings have occurred in "Gun Free Zones."
In states that adopted concealed carry, murders dropped by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7%, robberies by 3%. FBI
American cities with the strictest gun control laws have some of the highest rates of overall crime. FBI
Americans own approximately 300M firearms. Of these, 100M are handguns.
67% of gun owners own guns as a prevention against crime. 66% own guns for target shooting. 41% own guns for hunting. Gallup
Gun registration does not work. California's gun registration law has been on the books since 1909 with no impact on reducing crime.
0.7% of criminals said they purchased their guns at gun shows. 40% admitted they bought their guns illegally on the street. Bureau of Justice Statistics
93% of crimes are committed by criminals using illegal guns. ATF
For additional information on the truth about gun ownership, contact the NRA and Gun Owners of America as well as the FBI and ATF
Hollywood's Hypocrisy Regarding Gun Control We've been hearing and reading a lot about gun control since the shooting in Connecticut several weeks ago. That's expected. Many in Hollywood jump on the gun control bandwagon themselves. The hypocritical predictability is specific to their belief legal gun owners should not own guns while they live behind fortresses and are surrounded by gun-toting bodyguards. In addition, many of those same hypocrites legal carry themselves. Just as disturbing, this is the same crowd that glorifies guns and violent mayhem in their movies. Yet, when this same crowd is criticized for their violence, they immediately hide behind the First Amendment. On the other hand, for many of these nitwits, the Second Amendment is dangerous and obsolete.
Mom Saves Herself And Her Children By Shooting Intruder
Paul Ali Slater probably wished his local newspaper printed the names of legal gun owners. If they had, he wouldn't have chosen the home of a mother of five to break into. After Slater broke into her home with a crowbar and opened the closet doors to where the mother was hiding with her two 9-year old twin children, she shot him five times in the face. Slater managed to stumble out of the house, get into his car and then crashed into a wooded area. He collapsed after exiting his vehicle. At last report, after being arrested, Slater is clinging to life. New York Daily News Sen. Feinstein To Introduce New Gun Control Legislation
On January 22, 2103, Sen. Diane Feinstein is expected to introduce new gun control legislation. Early reports indicate she will adopt new definitions of "assault weapons." It's also expected she will make gun registration part of this legislation. The bill is also expected to include a clause on forfeiture of "assault" weapons upon the death of the owner. Other details about her proposal can be found on her web site. Contact your local congressperson to oppose Feinstein's legislation. Fact: More murders and atrocities have been committed in gun free zones and gun banned nations and cities from 1939 Nazi Germany to 1970's Cambodia to today in Detroit, LA, Philadelphia, Newark, Camden, Cleveland and New York City.
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."...Neil Armstrong
Like most Americans in July 1969, I remember well Neil Armstrong, along with Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin, taking off for the moon. Like most Americans at the time, I also remember well when Armstrong took his now famous first step on the moon on July 20, 1969.
Neil Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio on August 5, 1930. In 1947, he earned his student pilot's license. He entered Purdue in aeronautical engineering but his studies were interrupted by the Korean War. He served in the Navy as an aviator from 1949 to 1952 flying 78 combat missions during the war.
After leaving the Navy in 1952, Armstrong returned to college. He later joined the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA, later NASA). Over the next 17 years, he served as a test pilot, astronaut and administrator.
He was a project pilot in pioneering high speed jet aircraft including the X-15. He flew over 200 different models of aircraft including jets, helicopters, gliders and rockets.
In 1962, Armstrong was placed on astronaut status. He later served as the command pilot for his firms mission, Gemeni VIII. Gemeni VIII was launched on March 16, 1966 when Armstrong performed the first successful docking of two vehicles in space.
Gun owners have a simple message to Bob Costas: Stick to sports.
At last Sunday's NFL game between the Eagles and Cowboys, Bob Costas decided to do a commentary about Kansas City Chief's linebacker, Jovan Belcher, murdering his wife then shooting himself. Costas, like anyone else, has the right to his opinion. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the right to his own facts.
As most anti-gun activists do after such tragedies, Costas decided to embrace the easiest answer because it made him feel more comfortable. Once again, he placed blame on the firearm without knowing any facts in the case (Reports have surfaced recently that this player had a number of personal issues including alcohol and pill use in addition to debilitating head injuries).
Greg Gutfeld of The Five on Fox News said it best in my opinion: "So what is Costas saying? He's talking about a total gun ban, which makes him a hypocritical buffoon, because he spends most of his life wandering in and out of New York buildings where he is flanked by people who are armed...It really wasn't about the tragedy. It's about scoring points with other people in the media."
Gutfeld was right on target.
FBI Crime Report
In the recent FBI report, you are more likely to be killed by hands and feet than by most firearms. In fact, the FBI reported the total number of by hands and feet in 2011 exceeded the total number of murders by shotgun and rifle.
Just last week, the State of VA reported firearm sales increased by 63% while violent crime decreased by 24%.
Germany To Register Gun Owners On International Registry
In two years, Germany will launch a registry of legal gun owners. This is in response to a mandate by the EU (European Union).
This will be a centralized international registry of legal gun owners. Nazis had a similar law in 1938. It was called The Nazi Weapons Law of 1938. Of course, we know what happened to 6 million Jews after they were disarmed in 1938. Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Shooting Better In ColdWeather
In addition to hunters, who would know better on how to shoot well in the cold? Leave it to Olympic biathletes to offer some great advice to cold weather hunters. It well known that cold weather affects accuracy of your rifle. Biathletes offer the following advice:
Test your ammo in cold weather.
Set your ammo and rifle outside in the cold before firing. Your firearm gear also need to be acclamated to the cold weather.
Make sure your gun barrel is clean.
Make sure you use the right kind of lubricant for cold weather.
The National Rifle Association Endorses Romney/Ryan
Late last week, The National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund endorsed both Mitt Romney for President and Paul Ryan for Vice President.
Pres. Obama appointed two anti-gun nominees to the Supreme Court. In addition, the Obama administration worked with the UN on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. Both actions undermine Second Amendment rights. Pres. Obama has a long history of supporting legislation to restrict gun rights. For example, as a state legislator, he opposed a law to protect people who use a gun in their own home in self-defense. He supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of all handguns. He also supported a 500% increase in federal taxes on guns and ammunition. Daily Caller