Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Implications Of President Obama's Executive Orders On Gun Control

"No Freeman Shall Be Debarred The Use Of Arms." Thomas Jefferson

Obama's Gun Control Executive Orders

Last week Pres. Obama issued 23 executive orders on gun control. While some of these orders appear reasonable and can be supported (e.g. even the NRA supports an expanded system of criminal background checks as do most Americans), many of these orders appear to be a part of the administration's campaign to restrict legal gun ownership. Coincidentally, and perhaps not, little was mentioned of Hollywood's depiction of gun violence or issues involving individuals with mental health challenges.

There are currently hundreds of gun laws in America today. Most gun owners adhere to gun laws. In fact, crime among legal gun owners barely registers. Most crimes committed in America are done by illegal gun owners and criminals.

Some of these orders include the following (although they are sure to be expanded):

  • The establishment of a federal background check system.
  • Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign (NRA does this already as do many other gun rights activists organizations).
  • Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes.
  • Requre federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations (it's about time focus will be on criminals who own illega guns).
  • Appoint an ATF director.
  • Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations. Note: We recommend specific school officials be trained in the use of firearms and be armed in school or have armed police officers in schools. This is already be done in many schools and has been successful. There is a recommendation for schools to hire school resource officers (not indicated if they should be armed).
  • Centers of Disease Control to study causes and prevention of gun violence. There already are literally hundreds of studies already available.
  • Clarify that the Affordable Care Act (also known as ObamaCare) does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes. Note: We believe this is a violation of gun owners rights and confidentiality.
  • Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime. We support this recommendation as long as it's intent remains to target criminals who own illegal guns.
While some of these orders appear reasonable, it is doubtful they would prevent the kind of mass killings and crime we see daily in our major urban areas. For example, Chicago, a city with some of the strictest gun control laws in America, had 2500 shootings last year and over 500 killings. The same can be said for many other major urban areas including, but not limited to, Detroit, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Camden and Newark, N.J. Moreover, the Constitutionality of these orders will need to be challenged. What doesn't our government understand about the very clear and precise statement in the Second Amendment: "Shall not be infringed?"

The Facts About Guns And Crime

  • With one exception, mass killings have occurred in "Gun Free Zones."
  • In states that adopted concealed carry,  murders dropped by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7%, robberies by 3%. FBI
  • American cities with the strictest gun control laws have some of the highest rates of overall crime. FBI
  • Americans own approximately 300M firearms. Of these, 100M are handguns.
  • 67% of gun owners own guns as a prevention against crime. 66% own guns for target shooting. 41% own guns for hunting. Gallup
  • Gun registration does not work. California's gun registration law has been on the books since 1909 with no impact on reducing crime.
  • 0.7% of criminals said they purchased their guns at gun shows.  40% admitted they bought their guns illegally on the street. Bureau of Justice Statistics
  • 93% of crimes are committed by criminals using illegal guns. ATF
  • For additional information on the truth about gun ownership, contact the NRA and Gun Owners of America as well as the FBI and ATF